
8 Hongkongers get killed on hijacked tourist bus in Manila

I sat at home and watched the whole incident on TV from 7pm till the end of it. What I saw was the incompetence of the Philippine police officers. What I saw was the countless chances they have missed for saving the hostages, like the police should have taken the gunman down when the he was at the front door for food and had his gun pointed down. But instead, the police officers was doing all the stupid moves like using a rope to get the front door open, which failed miserably btw, throwing a light stick inside the bus, or breaking the headlights of the bus, seriously! I am not a professional, but isn’t that we usually agree with whatever the hostage taker requested when there are lives in his hand? What the hostage taker asked for this time were just reviewing his case again and hopping to get his job back, it's not bombing the whole police station off now or bringing the people related to my case here and I can kill them one by one for revenge now. Why couldn’t the officers or the negotiator just agreed with what he wanted and end the incident right then? And let’s not talk about how the police officers took the hostage taker’s brother away by force and arrested him in front of the taker! I started to wonder that is there any things they won’t do for provoking the gunman? Finally I just want to say that I am very disappointed with the Philippine police force! My sincerest condolence to all the victims, their families and friends in this tragedy.

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